Doug Cooks
Doug Cooks
My life as a cook

Villa De Medici

Click the buttons above to Villa De' Medici AIRBnB or direct to Federico.

When travelling to Montespertoli Italy, we stay at our  favorite villa. Villa De' Medici it is owned by my good friend, Federico Cirri. He is a wonderful host, guide and all around great guy, I am proud to call him my friend. He will make your stay a very memorable one.

The hill town of Montespertoli is located in the Chianti region, it offers excellent wines, a world-class museum and a heritage that stems back to Etruscan times. The views of the Tuscan countryside are stunning, with olives trees, castles and  vineyards. Ideally located for exploring Tuscany, De Medici's Villa makes a great base from which to explore central Tuscany.

Montespertoli 2018.jpg

San Gimignano

Ravioli Lucchese, Lucca

San Gimignano

Squid ink pasta with bottarga, Chiusdino
